Thursday, December 24, 2009


Maari Disabled Group is for people of all ages with physical disabilities that functions partly as a support group and partly for their economic development. Several members were affected by polio or other diseases that have been eradicated in the Western world.
Those that are able work as farmers, while other men are cobblers and some of the women weave intricate mats and baskets. Give Us Wings is planning a housing project for the group similar to what was done for Ngiyo Ber.
Christopher, the chairperson of the group.
A young group member with his mother.

Will with the tiny old mama of the group, Fatuma. Leprosy has turned her fingers into nubs, yet she always has a smile on her face.
This woman made this mat from dried grass, dying and weaving it herself. After the hundreds of hours of work she puts into it, she will sell it for 20,000 UGX, around $10 USD. I asked her if she sells them at the market and she said no, everyone knows that she weaves mats and they come to her directly to purchase one.

Another group member in front of her house.

Goretti returning home after the meeting was over. She has five kids and used to rent a small kitchen for her home, where an adult could barely stretch out. Now she lives in the equivalent of a small apartment and is overjoyed to be there. The stick she is holding is what people use for crutches.

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